Happy International Women’s Day!

As we commemorate International Women's Day, I find myself reflecting on the profound influence women have had on my life and career.

My fabulous mother was a pioneering traveler, philanthropist, and business woman. By age 20, she was leading solo global tours and demonstrating an unmatched ability to chase her wildest ambitions in an industry where her appearance was valued over her business acumen. From her, I learned the essence of “owning” my femininity while not letting it define me and the importance of fighting for equality with poise. She’s the reason I put myself together every morning and never apologize for being smart AND female. Her girl-power spirit remains a guiding light in my life!

Other incredible women including sisters-in-law, aunts, cousins, and nieces, friends and colleagues continuously inspire me with their accomplishments in both their professional lives and as a community, reminding me often that we are capable of having families and careers, and the right to choose either, both, or none without judgement or prejudice.

I am also blessed with a remarkable sister and a circle of girlfriends who are nothing short of extraordinary. These "boss ass bitches" are brilliant, clever, and creative, yet they share their deepest vulnerability and fears with me, challenging me to trust and invest in ways that I love (but that don’t necessarily always come naturally). Their encouragement and honesty are my daily lifelines, proving that behind every authentic woman is a tribe of more skilled authentic women teaching her how to grow.

My sons have introduced me to two thoughtful young women—their girlfriends. Smart, joyful, and feisty, these women have quickly become more than just the partners of my children; they are my dear friends. Their presence enriches our family, bringing spirited nature and laughter. I’m inspired by the way they see the world and hopeful for the future knowing these two will be influencing it.

And, in recent weeks, I've been awed by my mother-in-law's fierce determination and strength. As she navigates my father-in-law's cancer battle, her resilience, advocacy, and composure shine through. Her actions exemplify the power of women in adversity, offering a model of courage that every girl should witness. She has reminded me that sometimes “love” is the only answer we get, and that it’s up to us to make that enough.

On this International Women's Day, I am humbly grateful for the wondrous women who have enriched my life. Your stories, strength, and spirit are a constant source of inspiration and motivation. Let's honor the achievements of women worldwide, supporting each other towards success, equality, and empowerment. To every woman who fights for her dreams and stands tall in the face of the scariest unknowns: thank you. Your resilience, courage, and fortitude shape both me and the world for the better, today and every day.