Category Archives: Mental Health

Respect: The Office Currency Better than Coffee and Taco Tuesdays

In the grand adventure of leadership and organizational development, respect isn't just a pillar—it's the very ground we walk on. My voyage through a kaleidoscope of corporate cultures has shown me the stark difference between places where respect is the sun that nurtures growth, and those... well, let's just say, where it's more of an...

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Navigating the Emotional Waves of Career Transitions: Balancing Professional Aspirations with Personal Life Events

Life often hands us chapters filled with turmoil and introspection. For many of us, career decisions aren't just influenced by our professional aspirations, but by the intricate dance of life events that unfold around us. For me, this year was a time of change, tugging at my heartstrings and propelling me into profound self-discovery.A Time...

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Speaker Abstract: My 7.5-Year Bibliotherapy Journey

Bibliotherapy: Literature's Healing Power with MarcelleBibliotherapy is a powerful modality that harnesses the therapeutic potential of literature to aid in personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. Rooted in ancient civilizations, the art of using literature for therapeutic purposes gained momentum in the 20th century when libraries played a pivotal role in soldiers' mental rehabilitation post-World War...

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