Embracing Exploration: The Value of Experiencing Roles at All Levels

Redefining Career Growth

In the modern professional landscape, career trajectories are often visualized as linear paths — a constant climb to higher positions, increased responsibilities, and greater salaries. But what if professional growth isn't just about vertical ascent but also horizontal exploration? What if we chose roles for the rich experiences they offer over their position in a hierarchical structure? What if our decisions were fueled by passion, an aspiration for growth, and a hunger for new challenges?

The "Overqualified" Myth

Having spent over 20+ years in senior leadership roles, I recently ventured into exploring positions that weren't at the pinnacle of leadership. Not so surprisingly, sometimes these choices were met with completely passing me over or with the feedback that I'm "overqualified", which I find perplexing. How can one build a career in that discipline, then lead a department of marketing experts, guiding, critiquing, and mentoring them, yet not be qualified to do the job oneself?

Are there scenarios where there is just too big of a delta between the role and the hire? Of course. My point for bringing up the topic is to encourage conversation about the "why" behind the theme. I think of Ted Lasso on this subject, "Be Curious, Not Judgmental."

In my recent conversations, usage of the term "overqualified" has typically been more about the organization's hiring mindset than about the candidates. Some hiring managers have shared that a wealth of experience might cloud one's ability to focus or "stay in their lane", others may worry a candidate will leave when a "better" opportunity arises, and still, others have outright equated "over-qualification" with age, seeking someone they perceive as more "moldable" (a.k.a "younger").

Fortunately, not all companies or individuals share this viewpoint. I've encountered exceptional leaders recently and throughout my career who recognize the value of seasoned experience, even when the role is a few rungs down from other positions held. They lead by example, swiftly recognizing and articulating the advantages such tenure brings. These leaders are gems in the corporate world, and when you encounter one, you instantly know you're in the presence of forward-thinking leadership.

The Power of Professional Undulation

So, how do I personally explain my choice to explore non-upper management roles? I reflect back on nature. Nature operates in a rhythm of undulation: the ebb and flow of tides, the waxing and waning of the moon, the shifting seasons.

Similarly, our professional journey benefits from embracing this undulating path. A relentless climb can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and worse...stagnation. By occasionally stepping back or into roles of varying intensities, we create opportunities for rejuvenation and introspection. It's in these moments of ebb that I frequently find renewed vigor, fresh perspectives, and a revived passion for my craft. Just as the tide retreats before surging with renewed strength, allowing our careers to ebb can set the stage for a more energized and inspired flow.

Why Explore Different Levels, or Ebb?

With decades of experience, why would one actively seek roles at varying levels?

  • Personal Growth & Skill Development: Direct roles refine skills in ways oversight positions might not.
  • Work-Life Balance: Fewer leadership demands can lead to a better personal and professional equilibrium.
  • Burnout Prevention & Mental Well-being: Hands-on roles offer clarity and purpose minus the relentless pressures of leadership.
  • Passion Projects & Side Ventures: Non-leadership roles can provide mental space for personal projects, like public speaking or writing.
  • Change of Environment: Different roles offer exposure to diverse organizational cultures and leaders.
  • Mentorship & Teaching: Direct engagement provides an opportunity to nurture the next generation with recent, applicable experience.
  • Exploration of New Domains: Such positions can satisfy professional curiosity.
  • Re-evaluation of Career Goals: Varied roles bring unique challenges, offering value beyond mere titles.
  • Reconnection with Customers or Clients: Direct roles equate to direct problem-solving, delivering immediate value.

The Freedom to Choose

I've been fortunate to have the latitude to explore roles across different salary tiers and responsibilities. While I'm not wealthy, I'm mindful of my finances, living within my means to enable professional flexibility. Prioritizing experiences and personal growth over traditional success metrics, I've found that some of the most transformative moments didn't occur in boardrooms, but in roles that immersed me in hands-on challenges. These lessons, often more valuable than any salary, frequently became the catalysts for accelerated growth in my career. Periodically focusing on concentrated, high-impact projects reignites my passion and readies me for larger roles when the time is right: the deeper the ebb, the more powerful the flow.

A Message to Professionals

To those who've felt the pressure of a conventional trajectory or have been labeled "overqualified", remember: your career is uniquely yours. Choose roles that resonate, challenge, and inspire growth. Growth isn't strictly vertical; sometimes, the most enlightening paths are the ones we chart for ourselves, no matter how unconventional.